Trying to save money and still keep car over can really be a challenge. Third party cover is the cheapest option, but is that always the way you want to go? Not if you want to actually be able to repair your own vehicle in case of an accident. If something is stolen from your vehicle or the entire vehicle is stolen, you will still want to make sure that you can recover from the loss and move forward. If you aren’t thinking about just about every angle of the insurance industry, it’s very easy to miss things. It’s very easy to find yourself without the power to really be able to get things done. Don’t worry if you can’t figure out the time to investigate everything — that’s what we’re here for!

Motorists can find some relief for shy high premiums, but they’re going to have to get smarter and smarter about it.

Here’s a few things that you might want to try.

First, you might want to put someone else on the insurance, regardless of what age they are. This is because insurance companies rate jobs at different risk levels, and it’s really all about risk. So if you have a spouse or a partner that is in a “safe” profession and you’re not, it might be well worth your time to run multiple quotes in order to figure out which configuration would be the best deal. As long as you aren’t lying, it’s going to be just fine.

Another thing that you might want to try is thinking about a camper van. Converting an SUV into a camper van can save you a lot of money with your insurance company, and you will be able to camp freely in the summertime.

Another thing that you might want to try is to go with a classic car. Insurance companies know that people take good care of a classic car, and that means that premiums are lower. However, you will need to make sure that you’re asking each and every insurance company that you contact what they actually consider a classic car. You might just be surprised to find that some consider certain rarer brands a classic after just 5 or 10 years! That’s quite a good bargain if you tend to keep your vehicles for a long time and with things being so high already, who is really in the market for a new car these days?

Some tricks are a little strange. Some UK consumers have found that if they indicate that the car will be parked on the street rather than in a garage or driveway, they pay a lot less in terms of car cover premiums. It all depends on the claims history of the area that you’re getting a quote for. If there’s a history of thefts and damages when cars are parked in driveways or garages, then there’s going to be a lot more expense for that vs. when you indicate that you will park the car on the streets.

The final point that you will want to keep in mind here is that not all of the best deals are going to be on the comparison websites. We’re not saying that these sites don’t serve a valid purpose, but you will want to make sure that you focus on other deals that might come your way. You need to quote compare based on mailouts, online, phone calls — really, anything and everything. Don’t get so caught up in the online game that you skip over the stuff that really matters — saving money, of course!

If you want to make sure that you really do save money on your ongoing premiums, it’s important to think about every time you file a claim or even let the insurer know about an accident. If it’s a minor prang or fender bender situation, you don’t want to call them about it. Pay out of pocket and save yourself the money!

Even if you don’t file a claim, your insurer may raise your premiums anyway — after all, you were in an accident. Be careful and choose carefully what type of information you say to any insurance agent.

This goes double for changes in lifestyle. You may think that you’re just making small talk, but you never know what the insurance agent is actually documenting in your account. You may find that the information you gave just made you a risky customer in the insurer’s eyes. Just be careful.

There’s always a bit of debate about monthly premiums or annual premiums. If you can save up the money, an annual premium is often the best option. It doesn’t include the interest that comes from the finance company. Some insurers don’t even allow you to pay monthly, so you might be missing out on some premium savings.

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to car cover, but at the end of the day it’s pretty important. After all, whether you save money or not on your car insurance, you’re still going to need the coverage!

By Kate